Indianapolis Martial Arts Club Reviews


We have over 100 5-star google reviews and hundreds more available... and an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.

When I first joined the Indianapolis Martial Arts Club (now Sarkine's Total Warrior) in November of 2003, I was a bundle of stress that was going to drive me to an early grave if something wasn't done... I was eating take out and getting little exercise and knew I needed to get back into shape... I started to realize that I was so out of shape that if there was a situation that required me to protect or save my family I could not because I was so out of shape. That was when I started to think about boxing or martial arts. I looked around and visited a couple of gyms but realized most of the members were as out of shape or worse than me. Then I visited the Indianapolis Martial Arts Club (now Sarkine's Total Warrior) to watch a couple of sessions and to take a couple private lessons with one of the trainers...

A year and half later I am still here. The trainers want you to succeed both in the gym and in life. The fellow students are great to work with, willing to help, and fun to be around. During this past year and a half, life has continues to pile on the stress, but thanks to the trainers at the Indianapolis Martial Arts Club (now Sarkine's Total Warrior) I no longer have the nightmare about protecting my family.

People deal with stress in many different ways: alcohol, drugs, food. And stress manifests itself in the form of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and ulcers. The way I deal with stress in a healthy, fun-filled atmosphere is to go to the Indianapolis Martial Arts Club (now Sarkine's Total Warrior) and kick stress in the a## three times a week.
Lynda G
Lynda G
I grew up in Kokomo and moved to Indianapolis in 2000. I am 51 years old. I am a Special Investigator in a Fortune 500 Insurance Company. I sniff out fraud and abuse. Currently I’m studying to gain my Certified Fraud Examiner license. When I'm not working I can normally be found outside someplace...caving, hiking, skydiving, kayaking. Although active, most of the things I was doing no longer challenged me and often were accomplished just through 'muscle memory'. I was looking for something to challenge me with discipline and fun. I wasn't in horrible shape...but the "muffin top" had certainly appeared and I wanted to do something about that. I have other friends who trained in various methods of Martial Arts so I decided to explore that and it brought me to Sarkine’s Total Warrior.

Over the course of the four months I've been training at Sarkine s Total Warrior, I’ve lost 20 lbs. I have more stamina and my upper body strength, something I despaired of ever really having, has increased dramatically. Let's face is stressful! I can come in to the school frustrated, mad, sad....doesn't matter. Once I hit those mats and start focusing on drills and form...I start to relax. By the time class is finished, I am de-stressed. It's almost like a physical weight has lifted and I ride that feeling the rest of the night...

I knew nothing about this discipline and so I just decided I'd show up and start working on it and that eventually I'd get it. And that's exactly what happened! I started out feeling so was hard! But I just kept pushing myself along. I'm not the most graceful person but I can laugh at myself and that easy attitude is important when you are taking on something you've never done. I didn't expect to be good at it, and I wasn't good at it. But I kept trying and now I feel like I actually have learned and will continue to push myself and keep learning. It's hard, but it's so much fun, and the benefits are awesome!

The instructors push you to be your own best...not to be better than the person next to you who is 20 years younger. The other students are all great too and I enjoy seeing them every time I come to class. I’ve developed a sense of accomplishment and confidence that even at 51 I can do this! I've shaped up and de-stressed...I'm learning skills that will be useful if I ever need to defend myself!...

I plan to continue to push myself and see just how much I can improve over time. It doesn't matter if you are young, old, big, or little. If you want to succeed at this, or indeed, anything in life, then just keep after it! Don't judge yourself, don't doubt yourself. Just keep punching away. Believe that you will get better and you will! And have fun! Life is too serious as it is. PS: The "Muffin Top" is history!
Madison S
Madison S
I’ve been going here for a bit now and I love it! The classes are fun, and definitely a good workout. It’s something I always look forward to and would definitely recommend! Everyone is super nice and easy to get along with. Overall an awesome place! 🙂

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