Adult Course Description

Adult Beginner & Basic Level

This class really is “The Hardest Workout You’ll Ever Love” ™

The perfect class for learning Authentic Martial Arts while at the same time Burning Fat, Shredding Inches and Building Muscle.

This fun program is an interactive and pulse-pounding class utilizing many different drills.

It’s great fit for new beginners thru Intermediate level students who like working with and making new friends. This program is co-ed and is for older teens and adults.

Adult Advanced

‘Indescribably Unique’

In this class students learn Authentic Muay Thai, Muay Boran and other Martial Arts.

The focus is on building a well-rounded complete Martial Artist.

Students learn to defend against weapons and how to defend against multiple opponents, larger opponents and to defend themselves from the ground. 

This class includes a lot of sparring, partner drills and contact pad work.

An emphasis on Control and Teamwork is stressed.

Most don’t pursue serious competition however, this is the program which built many champions (both female and male) for decades.

Students EARN this program. All must meet and maintain standards for eligibility. 

This class represents the pinnacle of Martial Arts training.

It is for older teens and adults who refuse to settle for less. 

This Program is physically demanding and is not suitable for the unfit or beginner student.

We’re not a DOJO DUNGEON

You know the places: Dirty, Smelly and filled with Punks and wannabes.

We’re nothing like that.

Our school is a Huge free-standing, custom built facility with inspiring decor and is airy and bright.

We feature top of the line mats, bags and rings and have a energized friendly atmosphere. 

We teach students from all walks of life. 

Nurses, Construction Managers,  Students, Teachers, Bankers, Police Officers, Skilled Laborers and more.

Exciting classes, experienced instructors and a successful curriculum taught in a NON-JUDGMENTAL  ATMOSPHERE are only some of the reasons we have so many female students (50% on average).

Not just for the 20’s and 30 somethings.

We have a successful over 40 crowd too. 

They’re attracted to our step-by-step approach and focus on smart, safe training.  

Aging may be inevitable but with our classes you’ll regain muscle, improve flexibility and build energy.

We’ve been helping students reach their goals for decades. 

They become Stronger and Leaner and more relaxed, stress-free and Confident.  

And while those qualities have a huge impact, they’re only a few of the many benefits which students enjoy. 

That’s why we often teach the children of students whom we trained when they were just kids.  

WE HAVE the Pedigree you need. In fact, we’ve been building Champions for more than 30 years.

But, don’t misunderstand…becoming a WINNER in your own life is what Martial Arts is really about.

Our experience has allowed us to evolve and refine the learning process ensuring your success. 

We start with an In-Person free consultation. Then we go to a private lesson.  Afterwards, we’ll decide together to move forward. 

This ensures a camaraderie-filled atmosphere filled with positive and like-minded students who share control and common goals. 

Why would anyone want the opposite?  A reckless environment filled with judgment, ego and attitude?

Respect Begins...

One of the highest forms of respect is to properly care for your body.

This takes precedence over everything else, because without a healthy body little else can be achieved. 

Before you can thrive among others you must be strong within yourself.

A strong spirit and mind follows the development of a well-conditioned physical body.

Join us, you’ll build Muscle, Shred inches and Burn Fat.

And while shaping up you’ll learn effective Self-Defense and learn to defend yourself and loved ones.

You’ll be ready for all challenges in life. 

It seems the Entire World is now trying to emulate Fighters

They want to achieve that symmetrical and muscled physique fighters are famous for. Many personal fitness trainers and former Cross-trainers now come to us to achieve their fitness.

With us you’ll work every muscle from head to toe.

Students report burning over 1200 calories in a single session on their personal fitness trackers.  

In addition to burning fat you’ll build muscle and strengthen your core. 

Your flexibility and coordination will improve and you’ll achieve a flat belly and soon need better fitting clothes.

  You don't have to BE a Fighter, to train like One!

Perfect for Busy Lives

What about the mental Benefits?

Our Martial Arts classes keeps you mentally involved allowing you to block out the world and leave your problems behind.

You’ll burn stress and relieve tension every class. Every session will feel like a mini-vacation. 

Students say they have so much fun they’re not even conscious of how hard they’re working.

Do I already need to be Fit?

Your current condition doesn’t matter.

And you don’t need previous experience.

In fact starting from a blank slate has advantages. You’ll have no bad habits to fix!

We use a step-by-step approach.

We begin with private lessons and then move to a beginner group.

As skills and fitness improves students may advance to more challenging levels.

Soon your friends and family will notice your new confidence and how fit you’ve become.

But that’s just the beginning…


Research shows Americans are suffering from unprecedented levels of anxiety, depression and loneliness.

Today’s lifestyles are filled with frustration and constant pressures. 

Between co-worker problems, family issues, daily emergencies and the never-ending demands – it’s easy to see why they’re overwhelmed. 

This leads to high levels of accumulated stress.

Stress which manifest itself in anxiety, depression, weight gain, low-energy, relationship problems, self-esteem issues and more.

If you can’t stand YOURSELF…..nothing else really matters. 

Your health (Physical and Mental) won’t fix itself.  Ignoring your issues only allows them to grow.

What Doesn't Work?

Get off the Hamster-Wheel

Look around any gym and you’ll notice everyone’s watching TV or on their phone. 

They’re exercise zombies: bored, unmotivated, listless and wishing they were somewhere else. 

If you are lucky enough to lose a few pounds at a gym, they never seem to stay off!

What does the gym provide? 

Judgmental looks, Egocentric attitudes and feeling ‘on display’ 

If these ‘normal’ fitness approaches worked weren’t there be way more people fit? 

The truth is…they don’t work for most people.

What ‘exercise’ program can teach life saving skills AND build your mind, body and spirit?

If you want an activity that will positively impact your entire life you need to train with us. 

Our Instructors

Our Instructors are highly trained Certified Professionals.

In addition to being accomplished Martial Artist, (most are Multiple Champion Belt Winners) they train regularly with Chief Instructor Ray Sarkine to improve and learn the best ways to teach.

They value every student and are dedicated in helping them become strong and proud. 

They know the best way is to teach Fun and Exciting Classes.


Your self-image affects every aspect of your life.

Your career, health and relationships are all affected by how you feel about yourself.

Training with us helps you radiate a new confidence and a can-do attitude. 

Our training enables you to live a fuller, richer life and The skills we teach benefit you throughout your life.

We believe in Mind and Body. Other activities may improve your fitness…for a while.

But only our training improves you Physically and Mentally, improving the quality of your whole life!

Take control of your Mind, Body, and Emotions.

We empower you to take charge of your health, your personal safety and your future.

Parents, we know raising kids is a challenge. 

You should model self-assurance, patience and self-control. 

Controlling your own stress and maintaining a positive outlook is vital.

Our program helps you develop the Mental balance to deal with the day to day challenges that come with raising even the best child.

Become a better Athlete

Our Training improves your coordination and helps you develop a symmetry in motion and athleticism you never knew you could have! 

You’ll become stronger, more coordinated and enjoy improved flexibility, balance and agility.

These new strengths will show in every physical activity you do. 

This is why so many high level Athletes choose us to enhance their performance. 

And while getting into the best shape of your life you’ll also be learning REAL self-defense that could save your life someday.

How to Reach your Goals

Our students don’t have to force themselves to ‘Exercise…

they’re excited to ‘TRAIN’

There is no such thing as short-term or quick fitness. 

Those results (IF they occur) never last.  With us you’ll find a long-term solution.

For results to LAST you must stay interested, stay motivated and stay focused. 

With us you’ll always be learning and challenging yourself…and this leads to Consistency…which always leads to success.

Join Us and You’ll feel (and look) better than you have in years.

After your Confidence and Strength Skyrocket you’ll wonder why you waited so long to start.

They come for the Fitness and Self-Defense.

But, They stay because our Training transforms their life. 

Regardless of your individual goals you’ll benefit greatly from joining our proven-successful team.

Interested in COMPETITION? 


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*Terms & Conditions, Exclusions and Limitations apply.

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