Shirt: All students must wear a school-issued shirt in every class. No exceptions. The shirt must be clean, well-kept and unmodified.
Handwraps: adults & tweens. We recommend a ‘Mexican’ style wrap of at minimum of 165 inches in length. Juniors: we recommend a glove-wrap style.
Ankle Supports: required for adults and tweens and highly recommended (but not required) for Juniors and ‘Iii’ Warriors. All supports must be soft, elastic-only style. No buckles, straps, eyelets or plastic may be used.
Shorts: Must be ‘muay thai’ style short. No boxing, mma, Board, basketball style or ‘skirt’ – ‘gladiator’ type shorts allowed.
Gi: A simple inexpensive, black karate uniform with full length sleeves is required. Heavier, Juijitsu -Judo style gi’s are fine. Black, no colors allowed. Beginners should wear the white belt that comes with the gi.
Jump Rope: an adjustable plastic licorice style is best. No metal, no links allowed. Allow for adjustment!
Gloves: Only a boxing style glove is allowed. No open fingers, no mma style and no foam dipped pads allowed. Tweens and adults must use a glove no less than 16 ounces in weight. Juniors and Lil Warriors may use gloves no less than 10 ounces.
Bag Gloves: All students are urged to use proper bag gloves during mitt-pad-bag work. Bag Gloves are NOT required, however they help students learn proper placement and better form and makes their ‘Sparring’ gloves last much longer. Must be glove style. No open fingers or mma gloves.
Mouthpiece: we recommend a double style mouthpiece which lets students breathe through it. Mouthpiece must not exit the mouth. We recommend “the brainpad’ brand by Wipps.
Headgear: must be boxing style. No foam dipped, must be leather, vinyl or similar material. Nothing rigid may be used. Cheek protectors or top of head protection is up to individual preference.
Shin Instep pads: May be leather, vinyl or cloth. Must cover both the Shin and the instep.
Cup: All male students are required to wear a groin cup throughout every class.
Focus mitts: boxing style, vinyl or leather.
Thai ‘Kick’ pads: vinyl or leather. no cloth or fabric. Larger students should acquire thick and heavy pads which are the full length of their forearm, without leaving bare elbow extending below the pad.
All Gear and Equipment is subject to Instructor Approval and must be approved BEFORE participation.
Small logos may be difficult to avoid, however, we prefer unmarked equipment and uniforms. We may require any such visible labels or markings to be removed. No student may use any items deemed disruptive, such as political or cultural references, logos of other schools or other messages judged, by us, as inappropriate. The ‘Fit’ and finish of materials must also be deemed appropriate by instructors. Items vary greatly in cost; a student should not feel pressured to spend more than necessary. After all, Training is not a fashion show!
We recommend purchasing from companies with a strong return policy…purchase different styles and sizes and return those items that were not approved or didn’t fit well (especially clothing and headgears). We do not receive commissions or incentives of any kind from the below links. They are provided only to help with a starting point for your shopping. Beware, many companies claiming to sell items made in Thailand are not authentic. We endorse Thaismai, Windy, Twins, and Fairtex. There are also lower priced alternatives available thru Amazon. The links below are not guaranteed to be accurate.
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